Hi there!
My name is Ingrid.

I am a former account executive who spent over 20 years in corporate America forging a successful sales career. At the age of 47 I chose to go back to school to pursue my passion for health and wellness with the goal of helping others make positive health changes. I chose this new career in nutrition because my passion for healthy eating was something I wanted to share with others.

However, I quickly realized that nutrition is a science and understanding it requires more than just the general knowledge most of us get from the Internet or television (sorry Doctor Oz!). So I went back to school and got my Master’s Degree in Health Science, completed a 1200-hour dietetic internship and became a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) at the ripe old age of 50!

My focus…

is prevention and healthy aging. I value solid research-based information but I also stay connected to experts who think outside the box and lead the way with new research that may challenge the status quo. I want to give people of all ages the tools to remain vital and disease free. I believe in the benefits of daily exercise, and the concepts of eating whole foods without relying on supplements or short-term fixes.

My greatest strength…

lies in building relationships and relating to people who want to do the right thing for their health like losing or maintaining their weight or eating foods that will keep them free from the chronic diseases we see all around us. I practice what I teach and my classrooms are the kitchen and the grocery store. I also relate to the challenges of a busy lifestyle and the need to maintain balance and moderation in everything.